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Ways you can donate to us

You can make a donation and set up a regular gift by clicking the button below 

Other way we can accept donations:

Cheque - Please make payable to BucksVision and send to our office along with a cover letter/note.

Card - ​Call the office on 01296 487 556  to make a donation over the phone.

Standing Order - If you would like to become one of our valued regular donors, please download our Standing Order Form

Bank Transfer - Sort Code: 60-01-31, Account Number: 51620103

Gift Aid Form

Thank you in advance for your kind support and don't forget to Gift Aid your donation if you are eligible.

Just £20
Can help pay for our resource centre which offers one to one advice on gadgets and aids to help a blind person with everyday tasks sighted people take for granted
Just £50
Contributes towards our home support service providing a range of services to help the visually impaired in their homes, with brefriending, reading and shipping.
Just £100
Could contribute towards the costs of running our Experience days; days out specially planned around the needs of those with sight loss, so that people can make great memories without feeling that they have been left out due to their sight loss. These trips can be the once a month trip that our members really look forward to. A chance to socialise, have fun and be somewhere new.
Just £250
Would enable one of our volunteers to visit a blind or partially sighted person regularly for a year, relieving their isolation and spending quality time with them.